Creating postcards, Collages by using colors an different materials

Samah Al Jundi-Pfaff

1. Mai 2018

Gestalten von Postkarten, Collagen mit Farben und verschiedenen Materialien.

Museum Friedland – Let’s Make It Project is a monthly intercultural workshop for the residents of Friedland Transit Camp (GDL) to paint, dream, learn and build the Land of Peace – SalamStan. Like every refugee, GDL people’s life could be summed up as Farewell, Arrival & New Beginnings.
At the workshop, GDL people live in the present and paint the irneeds, desires, uncertainhopes, fear and ‘some anger’. Then they tour among the collection of Museum Friedland to feel the Arrival in their eyes and hearts. Life among Friedland memorials motivate them to learn and make their roadmaps into integration and inclusionprocess. They step into history to shape future so they dance at Museum Friedland foyer to celebrate the presen and start a community of gratitude, forgiveness, respect, toleranceandunderstanding – SalamStan Values.

2.B24 Room will host the souls of more than 4 million people who have been arriving in the Federal Republicof Germany since 1945.
The walls are decorated by the painting of GDL people who were enjoying theculture of Care, Assistance & Health and the professional camp management in 2016 – 2017.
Participants and visitors are invited to form their collages or to complete the posted collages which they feel attached to.

The posted “Postcards” hosted the souls and the words of GDL people. Participants and visitors are invited to reflect by words or by making their own postcards.
During the workshop, photos will be screened on the laptop to give yoursoul a virtual meeting with the newcomers to Museum Friedland & Germany.
Eqbal Osman, born in Sudan on 01.01.1987, has been in Friedland for two weeks as a resettlement after being in Egypt as a refugee will share her experience as an eyewitness and will paint her soul by Henna on hands.
Interactive Performance will be on at 14:30 for the workshop participants.
2.B24 is open space for all during the exhibition.
The paintings, the glue, scissors, pens, … are in the big wooden box – which was in the attic of the Seelenhaus holding the souls of the place it self.
Please, open it and feel free to paint your roadmap to SalamStan.  


Wann: 14 - 17 Uhr
Für wen: alle Altersgruppen
Kosten: gegen Spende
Teilnehmerzahl: 4-5 Personen
Treffpunkt: Seelenhaus, 2. Etage, Raum 2.B24
Anmeldung + Infos: oder Tel. 0157 564 672 83